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You're viewing Emergency 2 - The Ultimate Fight for Life Cheat Codes

Game Name : Emergency 2 - The Ultimate Fight for Life
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-05-02 00:38:34
Views : 25248

During the game press the pipeline symbol '|', to open up the game console.
Now type 'Backdraft' to enable the cheat mode, after that the following
commands are available:

cmdlist - Whole command list
moneytalks - Set money to 666,666
mission <#> - Play a mission from 1 to 26
daytime <#> - Set current time of day
finish - Complete a mission
number - Current mission number
list - Mission List
start - Start Mission
report - Write Emergency 2 info report
sfp <0/1> - Show floor polygons
set - Change configuration, launch without params for help.
gotoid - Change between IDs on a mission
clear - Clear the console
quit - Quit Emergency 2
loadgame - Load the game mentioned by filename
savegame - Save the game to the given filename

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Emergency 2 - The Ultimate Fight for Life Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats
Emergency 2 - The Ultimate Fight for Life Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch
Emergency 2 - The Ultimate Fight for Life Cheats at A Cheat Codes
Emergency 2 - The Ultimate Fight for Life Cheat Codes at Game Score

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